This is my 30second LookBook/Short Film for my chosen brand Free People. The only rule to this brief was to show 3 outfits in 30sec. It was challenging to keep a narrative within that time frame but a good challenge to see what i could produce. I would have liked to work on the filming a little more but over all i think it represents the brand well.
This is the spring summer 2015 collection i did for a Ted Baker project. The brief was to created two repeat prints and a placement print for the trends Tropical, Floral and Geometric. My original prints are a variation of collage, illustration and graphic edits.
These are a few pages from my Brand Bible - 1999est Body Care
For this brief we had to created a sub brand for Jack Wills. Keeping to the English theme Jack Wills strives off , i decided to create this body care brand. The brand is called 1999 est (when Jack Wills was established) inspired also by the Devon-shire countryside all scents are based on products that could be locally sourced. I kept the Graphics classy with an old English edge.
This is my final ad for LBB- Lets Be Brief. The video i posted before from this same brief i had created using an app called Magisto. I wanted to experiment with film editing myself and decided to play around with Final Cut Pro. This is what i have come up with! it has alot more work that could be done to it but im going to leave it as that. It could be weeks more of editing before i'm happy with it. This projects gives one student from our class the chance of an internship with Lets Be Brief, I genuinely love this brand/company so fingers crossed!
Alongside this project i also had to create an interactive page and 2d design that could be worn on a t-shirt. The interactive page was a whole new project in it self and I would have needed 3 years on a different course to complete that! but its done and in. Here is the 2d design I came up with. I wanted it to be simple but bold and work well alongside their already known style.
After playing around with compositions for hours, here are my final 5 advertisement posters for Nasty Gal. I decided to choose 5 looks of their shop website and use that as inspiration for the construction. I tried to choose images that i thought linked to each look. I think the composition if these works much better and is a lot more affective than my experimental piece (below)
Here is a little test sample for the Fashion image construction project we are working on at the moment. The brief is to create 5 advertisements for your chosen brand through the use of mixed media. This is just a play around with the type of style i am going for but as usual.. it will probably change. Think i am going to add in some of my own illustrations and textures.
For one of my projects we have to create a film/Lookbook which is then made into and online interactive page that represents the company LBB (Lets be brief). They are an online journal and are daily blogging about the next up and coming things from illustrators, Graphic designers, photographers to musicians. My idea is to film many creative people doing what they do!
This is a few clips of my friend doing his photoshoot for a project on the fashion styling course that i filmed. I used the site Magisto to put it together to get an idea of what i can do with the clips i have! Until i get my head around using film editing programs and overlaying my own graphics, this is a cool way to see how it could turn out!